
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Almost half way there!  I'm now 24 weeks pregnant with my fourth blessing.  I am in no way rushing this pregnancy, which I suspect may be my last.  But, I am also getting excited to meet my little bundle of joy.  I look at Jacob and can't believe how fast time has flown since he was born... never mind when I look at Junior and can remember when he was just the same size as Jacob.  I am truly blessed to be the mom of these three kiddos and I can't wait to meet our new little boy in September!

Trying to decide on a name.  I really like Caleb, but hubby didn't like it.  In fact, neither did my father or my mother-in-law (both of which only admitted so when I told them it wouldn't be his name because hubby didn't like it).  I was leaning toward Gabriel... but I don't like how you can read it as a girl's name so easily.  After a conversation with my aunt this morning, I have come on board with Isaiah.  When I asked hubby what he thought, he said that I had told him no when he suggested it for Jacob.  Funny... I don't remember that, but knowing me, I probably only said no because I really wanted to name him Jacob.  Looks like I won that one!  :)