
Monday, November 11, 2019


This photo was taken in May. This is when I saw myself I strongly considered not sharing the post on social media because I did not like what I saw. It was then I realized how the path I was on. Overeating candy and processed foods and not exercising had really affected my body. That night I purchased a pair of jeans in the largest size I had ever worn. I stepped on the scale a few weeks later (something I had avoided for several months) and was SHOCKED to see I weighed just a few pounds shy of the day I went in to give birth to my oldest. My jaw almost hit the floor! I knew I had gained weight, but this was unfathomable.
I knew I had to do something. I bought some new gym clothes and kept telling myself I'd go back. I had even tried to cancel my membership in the winter. It was several weeks before I actually mustered up the courage to go back. It was in July when I first walked through those doors since before Thanksgiving. Fast forward four months and I've lost 20 pounds, lots of body fat, and I've gained muscle. My cholesterol, which was slightly elevated, is now normal and my blood pressure is lower. I'm certainly not getting any younger. As I approach the big 4-0, I want to be healthy and fit. I want to be there for my children and I want to see my future grandchildren grown up.