
Monday, November 11, 2019


This photo was taken in May. This is when I saw myself I strongly considered not sharing the post on social media because I did not like what I saw. It was then I realized how the path I was on. Overeating candy and processed foods and not exercising had really affected my body. That night I purchased a pair of jeans in the largest size I had ever worn. I stepped on the scale a few weeks later (something I had avoided for several months) and was SHOCKED to see I weighed just a few pounds shy of the day I went in to give birth to my oldest. My jaw almost hit the floor! I knew I had gained weight, but this was unfathomable.
I knew I had to do something. I bought some new gym clothes and kept telling myself I'd go back. I had even tried to cancel my membership in the winter. It was several weeks before I actually mustered up the courage to go back. It was in July when I first walked through those doors since before Thanksgiving. Fast forward four months and I've lost 20 pounds, lots of body fat, and I've gained muscle. My cholesterol, which was slightly elevated, is now normal and my blood pressure is lower. I'm certainly not getting any younger. As I approach the big 4-0, I want to be healthy and fit. I want to be there for my children and I want to see my future grandchildren grown up.

Monday, August 15, 2016

So, I deleted my personal Facebook accounts.  I opened one for business purposes, but I don't yet have any friends. I intend to keep all posts public and not to publish anything private (i.e. kids and family).  I have an Instagram and I've been using that in place.  Facebook became too much of a time hog.  A virtual space that had on occasion become a black hole of wasted minutes, and hours.  I've been very selective about who I follow and allow to follow me on IG.
I'm not the first in my social circle to ax FB.  I know others who have deleted, and some who have removed all friends and log on for groups only.

How are you managing your time on Facebook and other social media?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's been a while...  Our little boy is now 7 weeks old.  Although he's not so little.  He was 9 lb 7 oz at birth... a week early and by far my biggest baby at birth.  He's as sweet as they come and his name is Noah.  He was born with hydronephrosis, a condition which causes one of his kidneys to be swollen.  The other has two draining tubes, so in essence he has three kidneys.  I never knew his was possible. We will be bringing him to Hasbro for further testing later this month.  He should be okay.  I'm not too worried about it.  I am trusting God that all things work together for those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  I keeping that scripture safely in my mind each time I think about Noah's condition.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Almost half way there!  I'm now 24 weeks pregnant with my fourth blessing.  I am in no way rushing this pregnancy, which I suspect may be my last.  But, I am also getting excited to meet my little bundle of joy.  I look at Jacob and can't believe how fast time has flown since he was born... never mind when I look at Junior and can remember when he was just the same size as Jacob.  I am truly blessed to be the mom of these three kiddos and I can't wait to meet our new little boy in September!

Trying to decide on a name.  I really like Caleb, but hubby didn't like it.  In fact, neither did my father or my mother-in-law (both of which only admitted so when I told them it wouldn't be his name because hubby didn't like it).  I was leaning toward Gabriel... but I don't like how you can read it as a girl's name so easily.  After a conversation with my aunt this morning, I have come on board with Isaiah.  When I asked hubby what he thought, he said that I had told him no when he suggested it for Jacob.  Funny... I don't remember that, but knowing me, I probably only said no because I really wanted to name him Jacob.  Looks like I won that one!  :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

15 Down, 35 To Go

As I enter this 15th week of pregnancy... I wonder, will it really be my last? I think so. But in my heart of hearts, I just don't know for sure.

My children are my heart. I love my husband with every ounce of my soul. However, my children are so precious and innocent... for now... I just can't imagine not being a mom. More specifically, a mom of a baby, or small child. Are they a lot of work,? Yes, most certainly! But the reward far outweighs the burden.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Please don't buy my kids plastic

I'm thinking about what to buy for my daughter's new room. She absolutely loves to make parties, picnics, and any kind of activity that centers around food. When she turned one, she received a plastic kitchen set from her father and I, along with hundreds of pieces of plastic food. Through the years, I've purchased some wooden food, which has held up much better and lasted through the biting, stepping on, etc. I vow to get rid of all that plastic food junk and replace it with less, sturdier wooden ones.

So, the next time you're considering what to buy Grace for a Birthday or Christmas, think twice if it's small and plastic. Chances are, it'll get lost or destroyed!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New to blogging

Hello, I'm just trying this out.